Digital Tachograph Remote download solution

Digital Tachograph Remote download solution

Remote Download GPRS

More and more haulage companies wants to implement remote download for digital tachographs and driver cards. The main problem is that the truck has to return periodically to the base just to download it’s tachograph. This means a huge logistic problem. Digital tachographs can be downloaded only with the company card inserted in the tachograph.

By using our remote download solutions, haulage companies can forget about tachographs.

Digital Tachograph Remote download solution benefits:

  • Permanent fleet control
  • Mandatory downloads are made automatically
  • No risk of penalty caused by missing downloads
  • The truck doesn’t need to return periodically to the base station to download the tachograph thus important cost savings are made
  • No need of responsible personnel for tachograph management
  • Compatible either with TachoSafe Lite and TachoSafe WEB

Digital Tachograph Remote download solution

“TachoSafe Remote Download GPRS” downloads remotely the digital tachograph. The remote download unit (RDU) is permanently installed on the truck and it is connected to the digital tachograph. The download process is coordinated by a Remote Download Server.

Download process is initiated by TachoSafe RDU manager. TachoSafe RDU manager must be installed on a local PC with internet connection. It handles the smart-card reader.

The system works in the background but it warns the user in case of errors.

Vitezometru EGK-100

Ce este vitezometrul Volvo EGK 100?

     Vitezometru Volvo special pentru inlocuirea tahografelor Motometer EGK-100 sau Robert Bosch EGK-100 defecte. 100% compatibil cu tahografele EGK 100 Vitezometrul Volvo FH12 se recomanda a fi montat in schimbul tahografelor EGK 100 defecte si este compatibil cu orice tahograf montat in schimbul tahografului EGK 100.
      Caracteristici Vitezometru Volvo EGK 100 Este un instrument de mare fiabilitate. Toate indicatoarele de bord incorporate sunt inlocuite cu LED, astfel nu va mai fi necesara schimbarea becurilor.
     Vitezometrul Volvo emite sunete de avertizare si informatice ca si tahograful EGK 100. In locul ceasului mecanic si a contoarelor de kilometraj mecanice, vitezometrul Volvo este dotat cu un afisaj LCD de 2x12 caractere alfanumerice pe care se afiseaza cu usurinta indexul kilometric, distanta zilnica TRIP si ora citita din tahograf.

Continut pachet vitezometru Volvo EGK 100

 Pachetul contine un vitezometru, o placa de mascare pentru a acoperi orificiile existente in bord in urma demontarii tahografului EGK 100, un buton de comanda si un manual de INSTALARE.

Vitezometru EGK-100

Gps Based signal generator for tachographs

Gps Based signal generator for tachographs

Would you like to avoid annoying questions? Stay legal with us!

According to the new regulations tachographs requires a secondary signal source generator independent from the wheel speed sensor.

TachoPulse is a speed-based signal-generating device designed for vehicles with tachographs. It provides a secondary source of motion for tachographs, required as of October 1st, 2012 by European Commission regulation no. 1266/2009. The device generates frequency impulses and CAN messages proportional with the speed of the vehicle using GPS. Due its double constellation receiver GPS and GLONASS, it is capable of producing quality signals even in heavily populated urban areas.
With two standard outputs, TachoPulse is easy to install and compatible with most tachographs on the market:

Frequency with voltage swing between the battery rails
CAN output according to the SAEJ1939 SPN904 Front axle speed message
Gps Based signal generator for tachographs detailles.

How This System Will Help you?

  1. Control of your fleet
  2. Vehicle usage
  3. Your legal status
  1. Uncontrolled distance
  2. Tachograph frauds
  3. Uncontrolled driving time

TOP reasons to buy

  1. Keeps you legal
  2. Can be fitted to several tachographs models
  3. Compatible with CAN output according to the SAEJ1939 SPN904
  4. Front axle speed message
  5. Compatible with frequency input model tachographs
  6. Easy to install
  7. Wide supply range: 9..30V
  8. Sensitive GPS/GLONASS receiver
  9. Fixed k factor of 8000 pulses per km

TachoPulse -Secondary speed source for tachograps

The device features a dual constellation receiver, which will deliver a stable signal even in partly covered conditions. By losing the received signal (in tunnel for instance) it will keep its outputs according to the last condition for three minutes.
Basic characteristics
    • GPS module with dual constellation receiver GPS/GLONASS (SBAS WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN), with -163 dBm sensibility
    • Power supply: 10 ÷ 29V;
    • Frequency output, Open-Drain 0 ÷ Vbatt
    • CAN-interface with messages SAEJ1939 SPN904 “Front axle speed”
    • LED for indicating equipment’s state
Environmental conditions
    • Storage temperature: -40°C … +70°C
    • Storage moisture: 5 … 95 % (no condensable)
    • Working temperature: -25°C … +50°C 

Incalzitorul Eberspacher Airtronic D2 24V

Eberspacher Airtronic D2 24V

Incalzitor stationar Eberspacher Airtronic D2 cu alimentare la 24V 

Generatia noua de sisteme de încalzire Airtronic, de 2,2 kW (tip D2), a a avut parte îmbunatatiri substantiale, atat in ceea ce priveste atat montajul, cat si performantele tehnice. Aeroterma Airtronic poate se poate monta atat pe autovehiculele diesel, cat si pe cele pe benzina, fiind produs in doua variante, B2 si B4.

Incalzitorul Eberspacher Airtronic D2 24V

Incalzitorul Eberspacher Airtronic D2 este acum cu 14% mai scurt, iar latimea a fost redusa cu 310 mm. Este recomandata montarea sistemului de incalzire stationara in pozitie orizontala sub scaunul co-pilotului sau in spatele cabinei sau sub patul soferului,  într-un suport special conceput. Eficienta sistemelor de încalzire pe aer se reflecta si in consumul de combustibil: la o capacitate de încalzire de 1200 W si un flux de aer de 60 kg/h, modelul mai mic, D2, consuma 0,15 I/h.

Incalzitorul stationar Eberspacher Airtronic D2 poate fi folosit vara pe post de ventilator si, de asemenea, la transporturile marfurilor perisabile, sensibile la o anumita temperatura.

Eberspacher a adus imbunatatiri semnificative încalzitoarelor pe aer a cabinelor, prin reducerea zgomotului de functionare redus si totodata consum scazut de combustibil, oferind astfel solutia optima pentru drumurile lungi, cu blocaje la granita si popasuri pe timp de noapte. Sistemele de incalzire stationara sunt operate cu telecomenzi diferite, care pot programa sistemele cu sapte zile înainte, in cazul a trei porniri pe zi.

Aeroterma (sirocou) Eberspacher este alegerea perfecta pentru incalzirea optima a cabinei autovehicului dvs!

Incalzitor Auto

Incalzitor stationar Eberspacher D2 - date tehnice

Alimentare24 V
Siguranta la subalimentarepana la 10.5 V respectiv 21 V
Siguranta la supraalimentarepana la 16 V respectiv 32 V
Temperatura de mediu
IncalzitorulIn functiune -40 ºC pana la +70 ºC
In stationare -40 ºC pana la +85 ºC
Pompa de dozareIn functiune -40 ºC pana la +50 ºC
In stationare -40 ºC pana la +125 ºC
Greutate4.5 kg
DimensiuniLxlxh 305 x 115 x 122 mm
Putere de incalzire1200 W
Consum0.15 l/h
Capacitate de incalzire2.2 kW

Incalzitor stationar Webasto Air Top 3900 D 12V EVO

Incalzitor stationar Webasto Air Top 3900 D 12V EVO

Acest Incalzitor stationar Webasto Air Top 3900 D 12V EVO este un incalzitor care functioneaza pe aer la o putere de incalzire de 3.9 kW, aproape dubla fata de modelele de capacitate mai redusa Air Top 2000.
Datorita unui sistem de autoreglare incalzitorul stationar Webasto Air Top 3900 ofera o durata scurta de incalzire al unei cabine normale.
Pot fi conectate in paralel pana la 4 incalzitoare pentru a obtine o capacitate de incalzire ridicata de pana la 22 kW.

Incalzitoarele stationare Webasto Air Top 3900 pot fi montate astfel incat sa incalzeasca cabina soferului precum si compatimentul de marfa. Acestor incalzitoare stationare li se pot conecta senzori de temperatura externi care se monteaza in locurile unde se doreste mentinerea unei temperaturi constante. Datorita capacitatii ridicate de incalzire, aceste incalzitoare stationare Webasto Air Top 3900 pot fi montate acolo unde este nevoie de incalzirea unui spatiu mai mare, in care un incalzitor de capacitate mai mica nu ar faca fata.

Principiul de functionare - incalzitor stationar Webasto Air Top 3900

Principiul de functionare al incalzitorului stationar Webasto Air Top 3900 este identic cu cel al incalzitorului stationar Webasto Air Top 2000, singura diferenta majora dintre acestea este capacitatea de incalzire.

Electronic Ticketing System

Electronic Ticketing System

ecoTicket electronic ticketing system is a Fare Management System covering pricing policy management, electronic tickets generation and validation, ticket printing, track management and monitoring, revenue management and reporting.

electronic ticketing system

The main goal is to translate the fares into concrete means of payment for the passenger and fare collection for the operator and also to create a fast and convenient way for passengers to pay for fares. Furthermore it offers a quick overview for the operator over the passenger flow and ticket sales.

Electronic Ticketing System product has the following scope:
  • Online reporting
  • Management of subscribers and subscriptions
  • e-ticket management and validation
  • Ticket printing and validation
  • Easy management of the bus fleet (tracks & routes)
Sales channels include on-board (usually only for single tickets), at vending machines or retail shops.

Cronometru TachoTimer

Cronometru TachoTimer

TachoTimer - cronometru pentru Regula de 1 Minut

Deaorece timpul înseamnă bani, TachoTimer vă ajută să folositi la maxim timpul disponibil aducând economii zilnice chiar pana la 45 de minute suplimentare pentru conducere. Recomandăm utilizarea aparatului în staționare, blocaje de circulație și mișcări scurte în cozile de la granițe sau în timpul descărcării/încărcării. 
TachoTimer vă va prelungi efectiv perioada disponibilă pentru conducere și tahograful va înregistra odihnă/pauză pentru secvențele de conducere mai scurte de 29 de secunde.

Cronometru TachoTimer

Cronometrul TachoTimer este compatibil cu urmatoarele tahografe digitale:

- Continental VDO DTCO 1381, versiunea de software 1.4, 2.0, 2.1

- Stoneridge Electronics SE 5000 Exakt, Exakt Duo, Exakt Duo2, versiunea de software 7.3, 7.4, 7.5

- Intellic Efas - Efas 4

TachoTimer - prezentare Video

EcoMotive – On-board equipment

EcoMotive – On-board equipment

EcoMotive  designs and develops robust telematic hardware for different types and sizes of vehicles capable to capture and provide real time information about vehicle and driver activities through GSM/GPRS network using GPS positioning.

EcoMotive features:

  • GPS localization
  • Engine hours and temperature
  • Digital tachograph data download support
  • GPRS and Wireless communication
  • Fuel Monitoring: Fuel Level and Flow Sensor Support
  • FMS&CAN support
  • Fuel consumption and tank level
  • Service distance
  • Driver Activities
  • Work time report
  • Driver Identification
  • Integration of customized sensors and measurements
  • Working Autonomy about 12h

Ecomotive AVL devices are terminal equipment for navigation data collection which transfers the collected data to the server using the GSM network. This equipment suits well for asset tracking and or vehicle real time location. Among the data acquisitioned are the location, speed, battery level fuel level and many more.

Incalzitor stationar Webasto Air Top 2000

Webasto AIR TOP 2000 ST 12V

Webasto Air Top 2000 este un incalzitor stationar pe aer, cu cea mai redusa dimensiune de pe piata si totodata unul dintre cele mai silentioase. Incalzitorul stationar Webasto este proiectat astfel incat sa fie durabil, tocmai din aceasta cauza este dotat cu stift (bujie incandescenta) ceramic. Fiind cel mai economic din categoria sa, incalzitorul stationar Webasto Air Top 2000 ST ofera cea mai mare putere de incalzire.

Noua varianta AT 2000 STC ofera in plus urmatoarele beneficii : este mai silentios, avand o pompa de alimentare cu combustibil mai performanta, care primeste comanda direct de la unitatea centrala.

Atenție: Air Top 2000 STC necesită Thermo Test pentru montaj (amorsare sistem combustibil)!

incalzitor stationar pe aer

Date tehnice incalzitor stationar Webasto Air Top 2000 STC 12V

  • Tensiune 12 V
  • Putere de incalzire : regim partial 0.9
  • regim integral 2.0
  • Consum de combustibil l/h: regim partial 0.12
  • regim integral 0.24
  • Putere electrica preluata W: regim partial 9
  • regim integral 22
  • Debit de aer m3/h: regim partial si regim integral max 70
  • Dimensiuni (lxlxi) 322x130x122
  • Greutate (kg) 2.6
Date tehnice incalzitor stationar

Principiul de functionare

Tahograf digital SE 5000 Universal 12/24 V

Tahograf digital SE 5000 Universal 12/24 V

Tahograful SE5000 Exakt / Exakt DUO / Exakt Duo2 este primul tahograf cu regula de 1 minut implementată!

Cu ajutorul acestui regulament, tahograful digital poate să înregistreze daca este sa facem o medie cu 30-40 de minute  mai puțin zilnic! 
Se poate testa și compara datele descărcate din tahograf folosind aplicația de comparare gratuita de pe website-ul producatorului.

Tahograful digital SE5000 este considerat ca este cel mai fiabil tahograf digital de pe piata. Pentru acest tahograf nu este necesara inlocuirea bateriei pentru backup memorie la fiecare 2 ani de folosinta. Mai mult, versiunile noi de tahografe digitale SE5000 afiseaza soferilor in timp real pauzele pe care trebuie sa le respecte, fiind de un real ajutor pentru a nu incalca pevederile Regulamentului EU 561/2006 privind timpii de conducere al conducatorilor auto.

Tahograf digital SE 5000

Caracteristici tahograf digital SE5000 universal

  • Tensiune de alimentare tahograf digital: 12V / 24V
  • Varianta soft al tahografului digital: 7.5
  • Tahograful digital SE5000 este compatibil cu toate marcile de vehicule.
  • Aceste tahografe digitale de generatia a III-a respecta prevederile regulamentului 1266/2009
  • Garantie tahograf digital - 2 ani de la activare dar nu mai mult de 3 ani de la productie

Fuel Monitoring Systems and Accesories

Fuel Monitoring Systems and Accesories

Ecomotive AVL devices are terminal equipment used for navigation and data collection.
The devices send the collected data to the server using the GSM network. Ecomotive devices are well suited for asset tracking and real-time all vehicle location.
The data includes the speed, location, fuel level battery level and various others. The Fuel Monitoring Systems equipment has several inputs and outputs usable for diferent purposes. Its receiver uses a double constellation receiver who can produce signals even in heavily populated urban areas.

Fuel Monitoring Systems and Accesories

Capacitive sensors can be attached for continuous level measurements of any non-ionic fuel. Sensors offer excellent stability for temperatures from -20 to +50 °C, and deliver excellent measurement repeatability.
They are connected through a RS485 interface impervious to all kind of misconnections on any of its pins.
DieselMeter is a continuous level measurement device who is based on the principle of capacitive sensor. This device is perfect for fuel monitoring level of reservoirs for any vehicle.
The DieselMeter can be used for up to three reservoirs – two connected and one independent or three independent. The sensors are equipped with a very robust RS485 interface who is capable to tolerate all kind of misconnections on all of its pins.
Each sensor is calibrated individually to offer excellent stability over temperature variations.

Fuel Monitoring

Visit for more details

GPS tracking & monitoring Systems

GPS tracking & monitoring Systems

GPS tracking & monitoring Systems represent a software app who process, analyze and filter the collected data into a complete overview with events.GPS tracking & monitoring Systems enables correct and informed decisions even if has limited monitoring resources

Web-based, the program give you access from any computer, any time through a web-browser. But by far, the best funtionality is given by Real-time tracking that allows you to know the current position and status of any of your vehicles.

Read all about on monitoring Systems